Seeds of Blackness

Connecting Black History & Culture: Past, Present, Future

Seeds of Blackness

is a community education resource, consulting firm, and global travel company focused on all things African Diaspora (Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America & beyond).

Black people are everywhere

Diaspora means dispersal (to spread/scatter from one’s original homeland) by choice or force. The African Diaspora is the sum of the communities of people, languages, and cultures whose ancestors came from Africa and spread across the world!

Join Seeds of Blackness in learning, celebrating, connecting & supporting the African Diaspora!

I never get tired of learning about the beauty, creativity, and resilience of Black people! We are Africa’s seeds that have not only survived but continue to grow. We are magic!

— Dr. Sade Anderson Brown

Founder & Travel Host

Educational resources

Our resources provide an opportunity for learning, sharing & connecting the expansiveness of the African Diaspora. Follow our blog and social media.

Ujima Consulting

Ujima Consulting is a Black-woman-owned and led consulting company that provides facilitation, training, strategy, design, and organizational development through a racial equity and anti-oppression lens.

Group Travel

Centering Black history and culture by bringing Black people together from across the African Diapsora.